Xact Agriculture has products and services in the agriculture, forestry and emerging carbon sectors using proprietary algorithms and deep learning artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities that utilize satellite, remote-sensing and predictive analytics data to provide insights, improve decision making, and impact productivity, efficiency and sustainability for land management.
Here at Xact we have a carefully developed soil sampling protocols that ensure scientific rigor. These protocols and intense screening of data enable Xact to be precise and accurate.
Unfortunately no, because we follow a specific sampling protocol we need to guarantee these are the processes being followed. AI is reliant on consistent inputted data, and by following our strict protocol we help control all variables to ensure the highest quality of data is delivered to the client.
Time is comparable to regular laboratory turnaround time. We estimate around a month post soil sample collection, soil sample collection is based on industry standards for optimal soil chemistry results.
To accurately manage your soil, season after season we recommend signing up for our products long term. This is because once sampled you will get a snapshot/map of your land from post-harvest. As a subscriber, year over year data comparisons and analysis can be completed to enable farmers/producers to measure their land management practises and success to optimise productivity.
For the satellites to capture your land accurately and precisely with their spectral signature it must see bare soil. Fields managed with zero-till are acceptable and can be analyzed. Growth/regrowth of anything green, water or other interference with the soil will impact the areas Xact is able to analyse.
Our Xact data is in a format that can be used utilized in variable rate fertilizer applications.
In terms of the column headings: "ppm" = parts per million, "ppa" = pounds per acre, "perc" = percent, "soil_condi" = soil condition, higher the number, the better the soil condition. The _buff values are in percent and represent the Percent Base Saturations.
This data can be shared in multiple ways and used by you or your agronomist for appropriate land management applications.
Your ideal P result will be dependent on the pH of your soil.Bray-P test measures total phosphorus which is readily available to plants in soils that have a pH < 7. The optimum level will vary with crop yield and soil conditions,Bicarbonate P (sodium bicarbonate) test measures the amount of readily available phosphorus in soils with a pH >7. In basic soils the phosphorus exists mostly as alkaline earth phosphates.
Esri system complies with The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP®) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). https://trust.arcgis.com/en/.
Visit our website at xactag.com, there you will find an option to book a time that works best with your schedule. Fill out the mini questionnaire to help our employees get to know you and your situation a little better before the call. We look forward to meeting and discussing your future with Xact agriculture!
Visit Xactag.com or follow the QR code. There you will be prompted to fill out a short questionnaire, provide shapefiles of your land or the legal land description, proof of ownership and payment.
No. We ask that you hold off on adding additional fertilizer post-harvest until field soil sample data has been collected. When fertilizer has been added this can alter the absolute values of the nutrients in your soil during the processing period.
Our customers determine the number of acres they want assessed when they communicate what land they want analyzed during onboarding.
Aluminum (AI)
Boron (B) PPM
Bray-P PPM
Bicarbonate-P PPM
Calcium (Ca) PPM
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) PPM
Copper (Cu) PPM
Iron (Fe) PPM
Potassium-Magnesium (K & Mg) Ratio
Magnesium (Mg) PPM
Manganese (Mn) PPM
Sodium (Na) %
Nitrate (NO3) PPM
Organic Matter (OM) %
Potassium (K) PPM
Sulfur (S) PPM
Zinc (Zn) PPM
Soil Organic Carbon (Soc) %
Soil Condition
Our strategic partnerships with industry leaders like are essential to our mission. These collaborations enable us to integrate advanced technologies and expand our services, providing farmers with comprehensive solutions that enhance productivity and sustainability.